Dunin Family Foundation

Mission, goals and principles of the foundation

The Foundation was established with the aim of preserving the heritage of the Dunin family, particularly through the restoration and revitalization of the palace in Głębowice. It also supports and initiates efforts in the fields of science, education, and upbringing. Additionally, the Foundation is engaged in ecological initiatives, animal welfare, and the protection of natural heritage.

The mission of the Foundation focuses particularly on:

1. Acquiring funds for the reconstruction and revitalization of the palace in Głębowice and the manor in Kopytówka.
2. Rebuilding and revitalizing the palace in Głębowice to serve as the residence and museum of the Dunin family, conducting cultural and educational activities within it.
3. Managing the museum of the Dunin family, with a special focus on hunting, historical, and regional themes.
4. Preserving and maintaining cultural heritage and traditions: securing the Dunin family legacy and supporting its members.
5. Engaging in activities that support the development of communities and local societies.
6. Supporting and initiating initiatives in the fields of science, culture, education, and upbringing.
7. Supporting and engaging in activities related to ecology, animal protection, and the preservation of natural heritage.
8. Supporting and engaging in activities related to social care, social assistance, and humanitarian aid.

The Foundation fulfills its mission and achieves its goals by:

1. Reconstruction and revitalization of historical landmarks, including the palace in Głębowice.
2. Creation and management of the Dunin Family Museum in Głębowice.
3. Protection and care of the historic surroundings of the museum, including the palace park and ponds.
4. Collection, sharing, and popularization of information related to the history and public and social activities of the Dunin family.
5. Conducting research and archival activities.
6. Organizing exhibitions, literary and scientific sessions, artistic workshops, and meetings with youth.
7. Operating animal shelters.
8. Operating galleries for artworks, artistic products, and crafts.
9. Publishing activities, especially in the fields of history, art, heraldry, and social activities.
10. Conducting educational, sports, recreational, and therapeutic activities.
11. Establishing connections and pursuing common statutory goals with organizations, institutions, and foundations, including cooperation with local government bodies and non-governmental organizations.
12. Engaging in economic activities.

The implementation of the Foundation's mission and goals involves organizing and financing the following types of initiatives:

1. Scientific initiatives, by promoting the development of knowledge and organizing activities that popularize the history of hunting and the region, nature conservation, and ecology.
2. Educational initiatives, by organizing educational activities for children and adults, especially in the fields of history, art, sports, health, ecology, nature conservation, and artistic craftsmanship.
3. Cultural initiatives, by organizing cultural activities, including the preservation and development of cultural heritage and art.
4. Upbringing initiatives, by organizing educational and therapeutic sessions and workshops for children and adults.

The Foundation fulfills its mission and achieves its goals by directly conducting initiatives initiated by itself or indirectly, by providing organizational assistance to institutions, organizations, and individuals carrying out activities defined in the Foundation’s mission.

We, Peter's children, esteemed Swans
Fragment Pobudki Duninowskiej autorstwa Stanisława Dunin Wąsowicza
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