„22 Years of Life in 44 Paintings”

Album of Barbara Dunin's artworks enriched with original texts.

"This space came into being because I ask a lot of questions. To myself and to the world.

And I like to write. Simply. The Word has an extraordinary power for me, quite different from the Image. There are times when it's much greater. Yet in the world of Image and Word - I disappear. Or I am just fully, most sincerely and originally... I don't know. I know that the time I know stops existing then and the mind loses its executive power.

Here I will try to combine the Word and the Image, which can exist independently and together - I hope - they will create a new, synergistic value.

And how does the Image come into being? Honestly - I don't know. Sometimes it comes when I'm not looking for it. Then I have the impression that it flows through me, that I am just a humble Instrument. Sometimes I snatch it violently or tear it apart piece by piece from areas of myself that are not always known to me. Then I feel like a Creator. Sometimes it arises lightly, in a brief moment, with excitement. Other times I sculpt it for months, suffocated by frustration.

What does it depend on? I don't know. What does it depend on whether it is already Art or just art? I don't know... I only know that each of my Images is a fragment of the story of my life.


The price of the book "22 Years of Life in 44 Paintings": 144 zł

Shipping: 16 PLN - Polish Post, InPost, courier. Please send the payment receipt along with the address and shipping method to the email address:


Please make the payment to the account:

Fundacja Rodu Duninów
ul. Olszańska 26/1, 31-517 Kraków
80 1240 2294 1111 0011 2716 7621

For any questions, please contact via email: kontakt@fundacjaroduduninow.pl or by phone: +48 506 552 754.

My Piotrowe dzieci, zacni Łabędzice
Fragment Pobudki Duninowskiej autorstwa Stanisława Dunin Wąsowicza
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