Realisations funded by the Małopolski Voivodeship Conservator of Monuments in Kraków

2019: Głębowice, the palace - completion of full architectural and conservation documentation for securing and reconstructing the palace - stage I - research work. PLN 80,000.

2021: Głębowice, the palace - securing works - stage concerning the initial securing of elements at risk of collapse, securing window and door openings, and removing self-sown plants. PLN 75,000.

2022: Głębowice, the palace - securing works stage II. PLN 99,787.75.

2023: Głębowice, the palace - securing works stage III. PLN 30,000.

Before removing self-sown plants in the park:

After removing self-sown plants in the park (2021):

Securing window and door openings, as well as elements at risk of collapse (2021):

Window openings before and after the securing works stage II (2022):

Vestibule before and after the securing works stage II (2022):

Exposed floor and steps in the vestibule - pre-war photos and after the completion of works from stage II (2022):

My Piotrowe dzieci, zacni Łabędzice
Fragment Pobudki Duninowskiej autorstwa Stanisława Dunin Wąsowicza
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